In the bustling streets of Dumpling City, there exists a group of unlikely heroes - The Five Superhero Dumplings! These extraordinary champions are dressed in capes and masks where their mission is to make the world a better place fueled by small acts of kindness that reflect selfless deeds. Join the Five Superhero Dumplings on their inspiring journey as they prove that kindness is greatest superpower of all.'In a friendly town on a warm and beautiful day,five superheroes are on the lookout while children play.These superheroes help friends all around town.They spread kindness and cheer all without a sound.Their good deeds are small actions of grace.They go unseen while wearing a cape.'Order your copy of Five Superhero Dumplings Kindness Saves The Day today and go on a kindness adventure in this unique story! Makes a great gift for boys and girls age 4, age 5, age 6, age 7, kindergarten, first grade, and preschool.