Fallen Now Forgotten tells the story of the soldiers who do not have any living descendants to remember their sacrifices during World War 1. Each Anzac Day no one wears their medals or carries a photo of them, over a hundred years later they are just a name on a memorial with no family to mourn them.This book offers just a small selection of these forgotten soldiers as research has resulted in numbers never envisaged. There are soldiers who were brought up as a ward of state, soldiers who named a foster parent as next of kin and the great number who enlisted under assumed names.The only child in a family and the brothers who went off to war leaving their grief-stricken parents to mourn their only children.The first chapter starts with the Gallipoli Campaign, the following eight chapters deal with the major battles throughout the Great War that caused so much sorrow at home for the families. Their Service Records contain letters from grief-stricken widowed mothers or parents telling the Army their son or sons were all they had and now they are alone. These soldiers lie in countries far away in graves that no one will ever visit.