Armando Malheiro da Silva / Emília Simão / Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães
1. Introducción y Sentido de la obra
2. H. Bergson (1859-1941)
3. Fenomenología y fenomenologiás de la existencia
3.1. Influjos Bergsonianos
3.2. E. Husserl. Fundación de la fenomenología
3.3. Fenomenologías de la existencia
- Huellas bergsonianas
- El primer Lévinas y el tema de la intuición
- M. Merleau-Ponty
- J-P Sartre. Fenomenología y existencialismo
- J. Patocka. El movimiento de la existencia en una fenomenología asubjetiva
- Heidegger: Fenomenología y analísitca de la existenciaridad
4. Hermenéutica filosófica
4.1. Hermenéutica heideggeriana de la facticidad
4.2. El giro lingüístico de la hermenéutica ontológica. H-G Gadamer
4.3. P. Ricoeur: de la fenomenología trascendental a la fenomenología hermenéutica
5. La escuela de Frankfurt
5.1. El instituto para la investigación social
5.2. La teoría crítica frente a la tradicional
5.3. Crítica de las paradojas de la modernidad
5.4. J. Marcuse. Crítica de la unidimensionalidad
5.5. J. Habermas. Crítica de la colonización de la racionalidad comunicativa
The popularization and cult-like following of electronic music has provoked new relations between men and machines, art and technology, and modern shamans and disc jockeys. New technologies and multimedia tools have awakened neo-ritual practices through the emergence of Psychedelic Trance parties, evoking tribal experiences inspired by a new shamanism, mediated by high-tech guide elements. Exploring Psychedelic Trance and Electronic Dance Music in Modern Culture investigates the expansive scope of Electronic Music Dance Culture (EMDC), the rise of Psychedelic Trance culture, and their relationship with new digital platforms. Drawing from perspectives in sociology, anthropology, psychology, aesthetics and the arts, religious studies, information technologies, multimedia communication, shamanism, and ritualism, this book analyzes the impact of new technologies on individual and collective behaviors in cyberspace. This innovative reference source is ideal for use by academicians, researchers, upper-level students, practitioners, and theorists. Focusing on a variety of topics relating to sub-cultures, human behavior, and popular culture, this title features timely research on alternative culture, electronic music festivals, ethnography, music and religion, psychedelic drugs, Psytrance, rave culture, and trance parties.