Engineering Inspection Manual

Engineering Inspection Manual

Engineering Inspection Manual

Henry A. Roy / Henry ARoy

94,19 €
IVA incluido
Chemical Publishing
Año de edición:
Estructura y diseño arquitectónicos
94,19 €
IVA incluido

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CONTENTS - Foreword - Why I Wrote This Book - Inspector’s Creed - An Introduction to Interchangeable Parts - Scale and Hook Rule - Combination Square - Protractor - Outside Micrometer Caliper - Micrometer Depth Gage - Inside Micrometer Caliper - How to Read a Micrometer Caliper - Vernier Caliper - Vernier Height Gage - How to Read the Vernier - Surface Gage - Universal Bevel Protractor - Thickness or Feeler Gage - Screw-Pitch Gage - Small-Hole Gage - Telescoping Gage - Locating Centers - Outside and Inside Calipers - Combination Bevel - Fillet or Radius Gage - Flush-Pin Gage - Taper-Plug Gage - Last-Word Indicator - Concentricity Setup - Angle-Plate Setup - Size-Block Setup - Comparator Setup - Checking Two Different Diameters with One Setup - Vee-Block and Size-Block Setup -Checking a 45 0 Angle -Sine Bar -A Hole Drilled at Right Angles to a Step -Bench-Center Setup -Shoulder Runout -Checking the Center Distance between Two Holes -Checking the Center Distance between Two Spherical - Depressions -Checking a Taper Hole with a Taper-Plug Gage -Laying out a Rough Casting -Setting Up Light Castings -Surface Geometry -Optical Flats -Surface Shapes -'Pilot' Cylindrical Plug Gage -J-S Roll Thread Snap Gages -Adjustable Limit Snap Gages -Ring and Plug Thread Gages -Hoke Precision Gage Blocks -Gage-Block and Tie-Rod Assembly -Precision Gage Blocks -Electrical Harness Lacing -Lockwiring -The Thermometer and How It Works -Basic Helical Spring Designs -Fundamental Features of a Thread -Basic Points in Thread Measuring -The Microinch Scale -Nomenclature of the Circle -Geometrical Forms and Their Meaning -Calculations -How to Check Internal and External Military Pipe Threads -Step-by-Step Checking of Threads -Diametral Pitch or D. P. Calculations -Diametral Pitch Formulas -Interpretation of Mechanical Drawings -Mechanical Drawing Symbols -Indication of Materials -Indication of Direction -Miscellaneous Symbols -Abbreviations Frequently Used on Drawings -Standard System of Marking American Thread -Truncated and Full Form Thread; Setting Plug Gages -Gage Care -APPENDIX: -INDEX -

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