What is happening across the globe is no accident. You might as well say goodbye to normal. The deception of the masses has reached the most unprecedented levels in all of human history, and there is simply no turning back. The MSM would have you believe that things are under control, but nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, if you hear that faint inner voice whispering be skeptical, then you would be well advised to heed the warning while you can. We all want to know what will happen next, and the key is to think for yourself. Remaining ignorant of the future things to come is simply a foolish strategy, as you do not want to be left behind. These near-future events will have an immediate effect on each person with eternal Heaven or Hell consequences. There is no sugarcoating the reality of the Rapture, the devastating 7-year Tribulation Period, the 1,000-year Millennial Period, and the Eternal State to follow. These are earth-shattering events that we all need to know about. You are invited to discover them and decide for yourself. It’s the END GAME and it’s As Real As It Gets.