Abhinand Mr Amaresh / Dibu P K Mr Shekharprasad J N Rai / Purshotham Katti

60,13 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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60,13 €
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The concept of harvesting electrical energy onboard has aroused a renewed interest in aircraft industries. In this context a piezoelectric material is proposed that harvests mechanical vibrational energy available in considerable amount from aircraft wing vibrations due to turbulence. Embarked piezoelectric material which is an electro mechanical converter when replaced in wing panels which undergoes mechanical vibrations and there by generating electricity. A static converter transforms the electrical energy into carbon fibre structural batteries placed in wing panels.Electrification of aircraft is not yet implemented because in order to fly the aircraft for a long distance, electricity has to be stored in bulk batteries which increases weight and also consumes large space of the aircraft which is the main problem in aviation industry, so we are developing a structural carbon fiber composites with battery functionality. These devices can withstand structural loads while simultaneously storing electrical energy. By designing with enough structural and energy efficiency, these materials enables significant system-level weight reductions by replacing metallic components.

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