Louis D. Cox Ph.D / Louis DCox Ph.D / Ph.D Louis DCox
The guiding intention for this book is to make a contribution to the processes of self-recovery and self-realization—and to make these processes more user-friendly and more potent. Many people, the author himself included, are susceptible to the hidden inner forces of endarkenment, and can become caught in nasty, self-destructive cycles of confusion, self-doubt, and self-hatred—all while in the process of doing good, honest work on their inner lives. The managers of these forces—our egos—stealthily do their work, too often to the complete blindness of their hosts. Most people don’t know what an ego actually is, how it does its job within its host, or think they don’t have an ego, that they just have a “me,” and are just “being myself.” In fact, this unawareness is a sign that their ego is doing a very good job. For the ego to do its job well, it must stay in stealth mode…as “the ghost in our machinery.”Ego: The Ghost in Your Machinery seeks to make our egos visible. It provides methods for separating from our ego’s grip. It also offers tested methods for accessing the powerful source of our own true, trustworthy, and wise inner guidance, referred to as our Truthplace. The Truthplace is the source of the moment-to-moment conscious unfolding of our true nature.