Set in the Viking/medieval era, this story follows Asha, a young girl forced to leave her home who discovers that her DNA holds the collective power of the Vellorian Soulweavers. Centuries after the Darkest Battle, where the Soulweavers clashed against the Legion of Embers and the city of Velloria fell into desolation, the Soulweavers interwove their powers into the essence of humanity, a secret legacy hidden within the DNA of civilization. This desperate act aimed to preserve their magic, hoping that one day their powers would reemerge in a single individual.That individual is Asha, the last Soulweaver and the prophesied Heir of Velloria, destined to wield the ancient magic and banish the encroaching darkness. Asha embarks on a perilous journey to retrieve the missing shards of the Soulweaver’s blade, traveling to magical places and undergoing trials that test the limits of her psyche, forcing her to confront her deepest fears. Her journey is filled with action, consistently escalating as she is joined by close friends and an unexpected wizard dwarf. Together, they venture to Velloria in search of the first missing shard, with Asha standing as the final beacon of hope to restore balance to a world on the brink of oblivion.Echoes of Velloria is book 1 of the Eyeless Awakened series by Robert King