Selles sarja esimeses raamatus on kaheteistkümneaastane E-Z Dickens kaotanud kõik.Ta peab ületama uusi takistusi ja loobuma unistusest....Kuid elu pakub talle ootamatuid pöördeid.Ja tema onu, kahe parima sõbra ja kahe pisikese olendi abiga ei saa midagi valesti minna. Noh, peaaegu mitte midagi!PLUSS BOONUSRAAMAT 2: KOLMIn this, the first book of the series, twelve-year-old E-Z Dickens has lost everything.He must overcome new obstacles and give up a dream....But life throws him some unexpected twists and turns.And with the help of his uncle, his two best friends, and two tiny creatures, nothing can possibly go wrong. Well, almost nothing!PLUS BONUS BOOK 2: THE THREE