山陰吳楚材、吳調侯叔侄編《古文觀止》爲古文選本中流傳最廣者。今取其選文二百二十二篇,校勘訂正,重排刊印。古文觀止 Guwen Guanzhi is the most popular reader of intermediate classical Chinese prose, used by educators and students for centuries since its first compilation by 吳楚材 Wu Chucai and his nephew 吳調侯 Wu Diaohou in 1695.The selection of 222 readings ranges from pre-Qin canonical works to authors at the end of the Ming Dynasty, spanning over the history of classical Chinese literature.The current volume is a revised and corrected edition, based on up-to-date texts as established by modern critical scholarship, and supplied with critical apparatus.