Diesel Engine for Torque Gain with Mobile Compression Chamber

Diesel Engine for Torque Gain with Mobile Compression Chamber

Bruno T. de Farias / Lucas Lima Gonçalves / Victor A. N. Magalhães

76,44 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
76,44 €
IVA incluido

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The aim of this study is to develop a computer model that improves diesel cycle engines in order to obtain more torque. To do this, a change is proposed between engine times where compression is lengthened by another half turn of the crankshaft and at this point the combustion time occurs. This change is made possible by the installation of a movable compression piston, which will maintain compression in the chamber after the piston has compressed the mixture. When it reaches a mid-point, the compression is increased so that the air-fuel mixture combusts and extracts a higher torque. The entire model was developed using a CAD tool in the Solid Works program. With the result obtained, some relevant factors were identified that should be studied in the future, such as the force applied to the piston head and the stress suffered by the connecting rod at the moment of explosion. As the study only aims to build a model in which a higher torque is obtained with the same fuel consumption, these details, as well as the exact measurements of the parts, were not taken into account.

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