Dating Manual For Men

Dating Manual For Men

Dating Manual For Men

Publishing House My Ebook

4,74 €
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SC Active Business Development SRL
Año de edición:
Citas, relaciones, convivencia y matrimonio

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Use These Strategies To Improve Your Dating!This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to attract women by understanding her personality type and keep a healthy and happy dating relationship.Have you had a hard time in the dating world, due to being shy or simply uncertain of what to say or do? Have you resigned yourself to either loneliness or having one night stands to try to feel fulfilled? Have you ever longed for a beautiful, interesting girlfriend that is interested in you? This book will transform the complexities of dating and finding relationships to an enjoyable experience while making you a better person in the meantime. You'll be happy you read this a year from now as you will learn proven techniques that attracts others to you.The success or failure of your relationship is primarily up to you. You have to live with yourself and your choices your entire life and few things are as important as the people you surround yourself with. Don't make another relationship decision until you've read through this book and answered the questions honestly.

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