Don’t You Never Look Inside the Mojo Bag......’Cos it got the juju! An’ that is hot stuff...However, it’s true to say that all the wordsmiths contained within the covers of this Crimeucopia, have been looking inside all sorts of Mojo bags, and are more than willing to recount what it is they’ve seen.And no less than 10 are new Crimeucopians, bringing new ideas, plots and styles to this Free-4-All edition of our anthology series. So sit back, relax, and let:Anthony Kane Evans, Carlos Ramet, Tristan J. Deehan, Christopher Deliso, Tucker Struyk,Ed Teja, Gene Kendall, Hal Dygert, Ian Blackwell, L.C. Adams, Patrick Ambrose,Kamal Mouhoune, Rand Gaynor, Rob Loughran, and Edward St. Bonifacetake you on guided tours around their worlds-going from Cosy Country to Noir Central, and back again, provided you booked a return ticket that is. Because we hope that, whenever and wherever these authors take you, we hope you’ll find something that you immediately like, as well as something that takes you out of your GPS and Timezone monitored comfort zones-and puts you into a completely new one. Because, in the Random Shuffle sprit of our Murderous Ink Press motto: You never know what you like until you read it.