Was COVID-19 a ’Conspiracy’ of a Bio-Engineered Virus that was ’Leaked’ intentionally from the Virus Labs of Wuhan China? Was the COVID-19 a ’Dry-Run’ of a Greater Plague that is in the Works? The purpose of this Book is to provide a Systematic Array of Scientific Evidence that dispels the ’Official Narrative’ pertinent to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Or was it really a ’Plandemic’? The studies presented in this Book will consider the various Experts in the Field of Virology, and what they have to say about Face Mask, Social Distancing, Forced Lock-Downs and Mandating taking the Shots. Medical Sources that strongly suggest that the Release of COVID-19, although real, is being used and abused to foment the need to undergo and implement the Global Economic ’Reset’. What does the Great Reset look like? Biblical Inferences as to what this New COVID World Order will constitute will be presented from a Biblical End Times Point of View. People will be Mandated to take into their Bodies, the COVID Injections that have Technology unlike any prior type of Legitimate Immunization Inoculations. It will essentially be a Re-Creating a Humanity 2.0 in preparation for the Mark of the Beast that will fuse Man with Machine at the Genetic Level. Consider purchasing a Copy of the Book for study or to give to others. Please leave a Review to Help Support this Type of Research.