Inicio > Derecho > Derecho internacional > COMBATING REVENGE PORN


David Francisco Camargo Hernández

127,46 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Derecho internacional
127,46 €
IVA incluido

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  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

Revenge porn can be defined as sharing private sexual materials, whether videos or photos of another person without their consent in order to cause psychological harm or embarrassment. The perpetrator of this criminal act sometimes shares personal information about the victim. The safety of the affected person may be compromised to the extent that personal information is shared. Victims of revenge porn are usually young women.Porn revenge is a social and legal problem that has emerged with the proliferation of digital technology and social networks for the purpose of humiliation, blackmail or revenge against someone.It represents a serious violation of the privacy and dignity of the affected persons, who are exposed to emotional distress, psychological harm and negative repercussions in different aspects of their lives, such as their reputation, personal relationships and job opportunities. In addition, it can contribute to secondary victimization and social stigma.

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