David Francisco Camargo Hernández
Despite the enactment of laws recognizing women’s rights to a life of dignity, free of physical and psychological aggression, this situation continues to occur, especially in the family environment, putting their integrity at risk. Deficiencies persist in the design and implementation of public policies to ensure a life free of violence for women. The situation against women has worsened, having difficulties in accessing judicial protection, and guarantees of non-repetition and comprehensive reparation for them and their families, so effective investigations are required to prevent impunity.the State must make violence against women visible and not ignore its causes and consequences. Femicide is motivated by sexist violence and by the condition of being a woman to the extent that the perpetrator maintains or has maintained an affective relationship with the victim who is in a situation of dependency or when the act is motivated by the refusal to initiate or continue a romantic relationship. It also occurs because of the hatred and contempt of some individuals towards the female sex.