The great majority of people who call themselves Christians, Moslems and Jews really do not believe in their religion. The pseudo-solution that most people adopt is to either shut up or quit the church and renounce God.Rejoice in your disillusionment! To all of those people who are disillusioned with their traditional, conventional religion, we say to them, 'Rejoice!' You are closer to God than those who have tried to inculcate in you the old tradition.Open yourself to who God really is and consider what the meaning of your life is supposed to be.Consider the following points: (1) God wants you to be happy. (2) He is not interested in your saying Jesus or Adonai or whatever other little superstitions that were developed and adhered to by your religion of origin. If He were to want this, it would constitute an ego trip which is reminiscent of the devil a lot more than of God. Think about it. Wouldn’t you say so?