35,64 €
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Año de edición:
Historia de Australasia y el Pacífico
35,64 €
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When aborigines murdered a sailor from the Dutch ship Duyfken on the west coast of Cape York in 1606, it was the beginning of Australia’s ’Race War’!Within weeks, another 9 Duyfken sailors were murdered by aborigines near Cape Keerweer. This was Australia’s first recorded massacre.The contents of this book portray history as it really happened, rather than the many fictionalised accounts that academics have inserted in recent years.During my 10 years of research into original documentation held in libraries and archives, it became very obvious that many of them, particularly anthropologists and sociologists, were promoting what they personally wanted the public to believe, rather than write an accurate historical record. In effect they have included a mass of fiction into the history books, that is now taught in schools and universities as fact.In the process they effectively covered up the aboriginal invasion of Australia and extermination of the 'Original Indigenous Australians' [Papuans] less than a thousand years ago.Many of the lies and deceptions published by academics are also exposed and where possible, copies of the hand written reports of last century are included as evidence of academic deceit and naivety.This narrative commences with the Aboriginal Invasion of Australia and exposes the 'False Aboriginality' of the 40,000 year myth.It progresses through the violent confrontations of the native tribes and the massacres of hundreds of Europeans, including men, women and children who were cast ashore from the numerous shipwrecks along this hostile coastline of the Cape York Peninsula and the Torres Strait Islands. They were slaughtered by club and spear and in many cases, beheaded.As you journey through these pages you will learn of the incredible settlement of Somerset, at Cape York, established as a 'Harbour of Refuge' where shipwrecked castaways found sanctuary from the constant massacres perpetrated by 'Islanders and Aborigines at Cape York'.Read of the unbelievable Jardine Cattle Drive, in which 10 men fought against all odds, to drive 250 head of cattle over a thousand miles to Somerset. In spite of the savage aboriginal attacks, they made it.Continuing through the 1800’s discover the River of Gold [Palmer River] where men died from starvation, disease and savage attacks by aborigines. This is followed by the traumatic death of 'Lizzie Watson' who fought off aboriginal spears on lonely Lizard Island, only to die of thirst with her baby.When the Quetta sank in 1890 at Cape York, 133 people drowned. Many of the survivors owed their lives to the quick actions of Frank Jardine of Somerset.What of the Jardine Silver Treasure found embedded in a coral reef in 1891? Was it really buried with the Jardine Journals on an Indonesian Island?This is the history that many authors were afraid to write for fear of being branded as racist by a biased and prejudicial press.

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