She always believed there are moments in our lives that can be defi ned as atransition between the 'before and the after,' between the 'cause and theeff ect.' She is in a space between her comfort zone and infi nity. Sometimesshe wants to hide and not be seen, not be open, and not be vulnerable,but she also realizes that as a writer, she is obligated. So she comes to theconclusion that there are two ways she can do this, soft and gentle or fastand hard; either way, both will get her to the other side, if she just creates.Whenever you or someone chooses a path designated and appointed justfor you, follow that path to the end. Sure, you may sometimes come to aroadblock then take the detour. You see, a detour could be an interstatehighway to your dream. It’s not the end of the road. Writing makes one’sSoul smile and their Spirit shine. It is only me and God’s Shadow. It is notan occasional resort for me, but a constant abiding place where she can fi ndnot only consolation, but also habitation. It’s my home, my safe haven, myquietude and my quiet space where my writing and creativity consumesme, and yet cannot quench the fi re within. My heart speaks to me, and thewords penetrate and pierce my soul to the very core of my being. Wordsof encouragement and inspiration, words that we dare not utter, but is imprintedand embedded deep within our souls.I learned early in life that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumphand victory over it. Seemingly, I gain my greatest strength in themidst of distress, because it allows me to grow brave by refl ection. I tryin all aspects of my life to live creatively. I reside in my quiet space, whereno one else has ever been, only God and my Brave Audacity with HumbleWeakness. 3