Behind the Veil

Behind the Veil

Kristin Osborne

16,41 €
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austin macauley publishers llc
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Did you ever wonder whose voice it is that guides you? And why you always see divine number sequences like 11:11, 2:22, etc. and experience prolific dreams? Does your guardian angel leave you feathers, coins, and scents? Have you always had a deep fascination with the power, glory, and magic of God, Archangel Michael and his angels? Did you ever wonder if your home found you or did your spirit guides take you to it? And what is the language of light spoken by angels and what it is like to live with a teen psychic who talks to God, ghosts, and spirits? Behind the Veil is based on a true story of a house haunting, filled with demons, horror, suspense and a fairytale love story. It recounts how my family’s life changed forever after my son was taken up “the staircase to Heaven” during his battle with cancer and was granted a miracle by God.

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