Atoms in Motion

Atoms in Motion


33,84 €
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Año de edición:
Energía nuclear e ingeniería

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  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

'Atoms in Motion' invites readers on an enlightening journey through the fascinating realm of nuclear physics, unraveling its intricate concepts with clarity and relevance to everyday experiences. Written by esteemed physicist Dr. Olivia Chen, this book bridges the gap between abstract theories and tangible realities, offering a comprehensive exploration of the profound influence nuclear physics exerts on our daily lives.Dr. Chen expertly navigates the complexities of nuclear physics, from the fundamental properties of atoms to the intricate processes underlying nuclear reactions. Through vivid explanations and relatable examples, readers gain a deeper understanding of how nuclear phenomena shape the world around them, from the energy powering our homes to the medical technologies saving lives.By delving into topics such as radioactive decay, nuclear fusion, and the structure of the atomic nucleus, 'Atoms in Motion' demystifies the principles governing nuclear interactions. Dr. Chen skillfully elucidates key concepts without sacrificing scientific rigor, making this book accessible to readers of all backgrounds, whether novice enthusiasts or seasoned scholars.Moreover, 'Atoms in Motion' illuminates the historical context and societal implications of nuclear physics, shedding light on its pivotal role in shaping scientific progress and global dynamics. From the discovery of radioactivity to the development of nuclear weapons and the advent of sustainable energy sources, the book examines the multifaceted impact of nuclear science on human civilization.Through engaging prose and insightful anecdotes, 'Atoms in Motion' captivates readers with its blend of scientific inquiry and real-world relevance. It inspires curiosity, instills appreciation for the wonders of the atomic realm, and empowers readers to perceive the interconnectedness between nuclear physics and their daily experiences. Whether pondering the glow of a luminous watch or contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos, readers will emerge from this book with a newfound appreciation for the omnipresent influence of atoms in motion.

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