Most of us still hold to the belief that we are united by the credos of American democracy. That supposed democracy, however, is under attack from within. An economic ideology of unregulated corporations, privatization of public programs, and a limited role of government, has divided us along lines of income and wealth. Decline of the middle class has become associated with increasing inequality and continued systemic racism.As the U. S. electorate becomes more diverse, white nationalism has driven a wedge into our unity. We have seen an alarming increase in the number of hate groups and violence across the country. Our two major political parties have become more divided than ever as large groups on the right still buy into Trump’s Big Lie, without any evidence, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.Later chapters deal with approaches to rebuild unity and sense of community through rekindling traditional American values, confronting the excesses of Wall Street and oligarchy, and a larger role of responsive government for the common good.