American Education Policy and the World that Changed It provides students a chronological exploration of the forces that have shaped American education policy from the colonial period through to the enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in 2015. It thoroughly examines the intersection of national and international events that impacted successive generations of American public schooling.The book illuminates how American educational policies have reflected societal values and driven change throughout time. Attention is paid to specific periods, events, and topics, such as the establishment of colonial American education, the influence of federal educational policy post-Civil War, the Progressive Era and its expansion of equity in education, and historical milestones like the Brown Decision and the 'Great Society.' Readers learn about the inception of school choice, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) era, and the current ESSA framework.American Education Policy and the World that Changed It encourages critical discourse on the historical underpinnings of the American educational system. By examining the reactive nature of education policies to societal needs and pressures, the text provides readers with insights and knowledge necessary to participate in essential discourse surrounding education reform and policymaking. It is ideal for courses and programs in American history and education history.