'A Realistic Path To Peace' delves into the causes of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians, describes the crisis of war in eastern Europe (Ukraine and Russia), West Asia and East Asia, sorting truth from propaganda. It examines the role of the Big Lie in developing public consent and blunting popular opposition, and describes ways countries around the world as well as the general public are pressing for peace. It includes key arguments from experts on all sides, and compelling, fully documented evidence to support its conclusions.A core message is that the world is in a crisis now. As its empire declines toward collapse, the U.S. leadership is making a series of disastrouserrors. The 'neocons' in Washington, DC, are determined to maintain U.S. global domination regardless of what it might take. The stakesare high for them. They seem to believe that if they 'allow' any other country to challenge their global leadership, their whole system couldfall apart. So they are prepared to do whatever it takes. Supporting genocide in Israel-by providing weapons, money, and a bizarre 'moral justification' for horrific genocidal bombing-is a sign of what it takes. Blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline was another sign of what itcan take.Western European leaders have been rounded up and bludgeoned into a unified NATO alliance against Russia, and in support of Israeligenocide against Palestinians. This alliance-originally composed of 'north Atlantic' countries under U.S. leadership at the end of WorldWar II-is now also being extended to Asia. It’s a quest to curb China’s historic economic success, which threatens Western dominationof global trade.Whether efforts to achieve peace can overwhelm the power of the U.S. and NATO war machine is an open question. The alternative istoo horrific to imagine. That in itself can be a driving force to build the peace movement we need. And we can be confident that the neoconshave made a bad gamble. They are unlikely to win. Their loss could bring about a world free of imperialist war. It’s early to know ifthat can happen, but it’s a possibility worth striving for.