'Lovecraftian...weird...cosmic horror?'Dive into the dark, mesmerizing world of H.P. Lovecraft, the master of cosmic horror, with this curated collection of his most chilling tales. In these pages, Lovecraft’s signature blend of dread, mystery, and the supernatural comes to life, pulling readers into a universe where the unknown and the unimaginable reign supreme.This collection of my favourites showcases the best of his imagination, from the ghastly to the sublime, capturing the essence of cosmic horror that has captivated readers for generations. Perfect for fans of the macabre and those new to Lovecraft’s eerie, otherworldly tales, this anthology promises a journey into the deepest, darkest corners of fear and fascination.Includes the editor’s top ten stories and the enjoyable essay 'The Supernatural in Literature.' Richly illustrated for this edition by noted Australian artist David Apricot.