In a world of mass distraction,caused by an advancementin technology, the time allocated to reading and writing hasbeen reduced for speaking and listening in students lives.Nowadays,watching movies, scrolling android screens,talking on phones and so on, and little time of theirs isdedicated to reading and writing. A Discourse of Adaptationis a collection of students essays.It reveals very interesting experiences or stories thatoccurred to students, or other people. Some of theseexperiences were so outstanding that the narrators, wantthe world to know them. A Discourse of Adaptation hingeson three aims. First, it contends to arouse the interestof student to read by providing them with exiting stories.Secondly, it educates students on some of the realities inour society such as the benefits of honesty or the existenceof God in our lives. Finally, it demands other students tocontribute their own interesting experiences or stories forthe betterment of our society.