The Gospel of John quickly became my favorite book, and the Upper Room discourse, chapters 13 through 17, are some of the best passages in the whole Bible. The Apostle John was the disciple whom Jesus loved. He had a very special relationship with Jesus. John was not inspired to write his Gospel until twenty to thirty years after the other Gospels had been written. His purpose was to bring people back to Jesus. John wrote the five latest written books in the Bible. This Gospel, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Revelation. Reading this book, even a little at a time, will help the reader grasp what John was saying and some of what Jesus had done. The whole Gospel of John is represented throughout the calendar year and a special selection of scriptures for Christmastime that reflect God’s wrapping paper for His gift to the world. My prayer is that each reader would draw a little closer to Jesus and their walk with Him.