46 Seconds

46 Seconds

Limitless Mind Publishing / Xavier Messing

29,85 €
IVA incluido
Limitless Mind Publishing
Año de edición:
Obra de espionaje y espías
29,85 €
IVA incluido

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Discover the unseen world of intelligence and the realm of secret psychological operations with Xavier Messing’s groundbreaking debut novel, '46 Seconds.''46 Seconds' is more than just a spy thriller; it’s a multi-dimensional look at not only the fate of the world but also the lives of ordinary people.An international team of intelligence and psychological operations specialists is tasked with stopping the Kremlin’s strategy aimed at destabilizing Europe and the United States. Russian intelligence uses ideological, cultural, religious, ethnic, and separatist factors. It creates and manipulates extreme political tendencies - all in order to destroy Western civilization and then inconspicuously take control over it.Expert Insight: The author’s thirty years of experience in security and intelligence lends a level of authenticity to the narrative that is rare in spy novels.Timeliness and Relevance: The book’s relevance to societies in the USA and Europe is undeniable, reflecting current events and geopolitical shifts.Intellectual Feast: It’s a thought-provoking mix of fiction and reality, challenging readers to discern where one ends and the other begins.Psychological Study of Human Behavior: The book presents incredibly complex fates of the main characters, the difficulty of life decisions, including romantic ones, where the only choice is the lack of choice, and the fate of individuals is set against the fate of humanity. It offers multi-dimensional psychological analyses not found in other books.Deep Analysis: It provides a condensed analysis of the contemporary world, revealing mechanisms behind significant events such as the annexation of Crimea, Brexit, the US presidential elections, and the rise of separatist, extremist, neo-Nazi, and nationalist movements across Europe.Xavier Messing is a renowned international advisor in the fields of intelligence, counterintelligence, psychological operations, and counter-terrorism, collaborating with institutions and governments of the USA, Russia, China, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.As you turn the pages of '46 Seconds,' you’ll wonder: is this just literary fiction, or a reflection of what is happening in the world right now?Many professionals are certain that this book is not a work of literary fiction but a novel based on real events and the personal experiences of the author. When asked about it, Xavier Messing remains silent... '46 Seconds' by Xavier Messing is waiting for you.

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