Mother Earth rebels, a new danger comes from the sky, a new mankind has to rise. During their year abroad as Erasmus students, Evian, Yuri, Anghe, Greta, Daniel and their friends are not only open-minded and full of ideas on how their world might improve, they also share a much deeper spiritual bond: they want to find the mythical Kingdom of Agarthi. When they travel to Tibet, planet Earth experiences unpredictable climate changes and various anomalies, until at the end of 2016 the comets light up the sky, more and more visible to the naked eye, day and night. The morning of December the 24th 2016, a huge spacecraft darkens the Sun: are they friends or are they an evil alien species that came to conquer the planet? Continents are shuttered, the cities destroyed but a new world order is about to rise. Now that everything has changed forever, that men have discovered they are not alone in the universe, will they have the strength to adjust or will this be their end?