General overviews of the field are a great place to start if you want tolearn more about the fascinating past of psychiatry. But it’s importantto remember that these overviews will always show the writers’ own pointsof view. Daniel Hack Tuke’s 'Chapters in the History of the Insane in theBritish Isles' is one of the oldest books on the subject and has a lot to teachus. This book came out in 1882. It was written by Tuke, who used to be theeditor of the Journal of Mental Science, which was called the British Journal ofPsychiatry in the 1800s. Within its pages, Tuke tells the story of how psychologyhas changed over time, from its beginnings at Bethlem to the founding ofthe York Retreat. He also talks about the strategy of not putting people inrestraints at the Lincoln and Hanwell asylums. Tuke’s conclusion sums up thechange from the roughness and darkness of the old system to the 'sweetness andlight' (p. 495) of the new system’s creed.'