Catálogo de libros: Seguridad personal

177 Catálogo de libros: Seguridad personal

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Seguridad personal Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • A Relação Entre Aptidão Física E Percentual De Gordura Corporal Em Policiais Militares
    Rodrigo Aparecido Camargo
    Rodrigo Aparecido Camargo ingressou na Polícia Militar em 2002 onde permanece até os dias atuais. Formado em Educação Física em 2009 onde exerce também a função de instrutor nas aulas de Educação Física na Polícia Militar, o que incentivou a publicação deste livro. Formado também em Nutrição em 2023 pretende exercer a profissão dentro da instituição, ajudando os Policiais na pr...

    15,54 €

  • Krav Maga, Faça O Que Puder, Mas Faça Correto. Defesa Pessoal É Inteligência.
    Jefferson Pinheiro Leite De Macêdo
    Forjaremos juntos a sua alma e corpo para gerir sua própria segurança física, saindo da bolha da falsa sensação de segurança em que todos nós estamos inseridos. Tenha em mente que somente você, conseguirá prover a sua própria segurança individualmente. E que é impossível, deter uma pessoa determinada e focada a lhe causar mal.No mesmo sentido, somente uma pessoa treinada pode e...

    58,05 €

  • Wing Chun Princípios E Conceitos 3
    Renan Avelino Soares Pereira
    Ao observar os treinos, as movimentações, os ataques e contra-ataques, percebe-se o quão rico é esta nobre arte do Wing Chun.Com um olhar mais maduro em relação a arte e também a vida, vi que seria necessário mais um volume para acrescentar aqueles conceitos de difícil entendimento, ou como gosto de dizer, implícitos dentro do universo do Sistema Wing Chun. ...

    28,23 €

  • Leadership. Safe & Secure.
    Anton Doerig
    Leadership. Safe & Secure. will help you . . . -    Find your passion in leadership-    Increase safety & security in your organization-    Master self-leadership and -management-    Find the weaknesses that may be holding you back-    Excel through integrating leadership with safety & securityLife is a journey in which you have many unique – sometimes difficult - experiences. ...

    14,15 €

  • Guia de emergencias ante desastres
    Alma Mitera
    La finalidad de esta guía es recopilar en un único documento todo lo básico para estar prevenido antes las distintas emergencias que se puedan presentar. El objetivo final es facilitar que las familias tengan en sus casas algo que les permita, de un sólo vistazo, actuar frente a cualquier emergencia sin tener que depender de ningún dispositivo de consulta electrónico, de la ele...

    11,90 €

  • Where are you Going?
    Emily Struss / Tim Struss
    Where are you Going, is an adventure journal to help you be found in case of an unexpected tumble or incident. Fill in the pages so your loved ones know what trails you’re wondering about and when you plan to be home. In the end, if you don’t get lost (and found), you’ll have a record of your adventures and notes for next time. We hope you never get lost or injured in the woods...

    24,65 €

  • Creating Cultures of Consent
    Laura McGuire
    A blended conversation for bringing consent education to the classroom and home. ...

    46,57 €

  • Advanced Fatigue Management
    Stephen Monk
    Advanced Fatigue Management is a book about how to preset your mind so you can gain better control over the very human business of sleep. This book takes a particular focus on teaching this skill to drivers, for whom a strong handle on sleeping and waking is critical. Advanced Fatigue Management instructs people on how to deal with the phenomenon of falling asleep while driving...

    22,51 €

  • Advanced Fatigue Management
    Stephen Monk
    Advanced Fatigue Management is a book about how to preset your mind so you can gain better control over the very human business of sleep. This book takes a particular focus on teaching this skill to drivers, for whom a strong handle on sleeping and waking is critical. Advanced Fatigue Management instructs people on how to deal with the phenomenon of falling asleep while driving...

    10,46 €

  • Austin Physical Therapy Specialists
    Edward Seymour
    Imagine finding a safe place to get physical therapy with in the midst of this pandemic ...

    6,53 €

  • Avoiding Medical Errors
    Chris Landon / Robert M. Fox / Robert MFox
    Preventable errors by doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers are a major cause of death and disability in the US, comparable to cancer and heart disease. The rules explored in Avoiding Medical Errors help patients avoid becoming victims and address areas that might otherwise be overlooked. ...

    36,60 €

  • Preparing for a Lockdown
    Suzanne Lowe
    What can you to do when your family is placed in lockdown because of a power outage, pandemic or natural disaster like a cyclone, flood or hurricane? Preparing for a Lockdown will help prepare you and your family for lockdown and isolation. With helpful tips on how to sanitize your food and home, alternate lighting sources, cooking in a disaster, before and after a storm and re...

    7,31 €

  • Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down
    Forrest Griffin

    14,57 €

  • The Slippery Slope of Healthcare
    Steven Z. Kussin / Steven ZKussin
    A slippery slope describes how events progress from an initially innocent step to a cascade of subsequent misfortunes that are increasingly inevitable, difficult to stop, and more harmful than the last. In the attempt to improve what is already just fine, patients can unknowingly find themselves on this slope. This book shows them how to avoid it. ...

    38,83 €

  • Solución Para La Presión Sanguínea
    Ethan Daniel
    La hipertensión arterial es actualmente un importante problema de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia y al mayor riesgo resultante de otras complicaciones relacionadas con la hipertensión. Debido a que hay pocas pruebas, esta muerte potencial a menudo pasa desapercibida.Aunque la presión arterial alta no suele presentar síntomas durante los primeros 10 a 20 años, de form...

    16,17 €

  • Hypertension
    Ethan Daniel
    L'hypertension artérielle est aujourd'hui un problème de santé publique majeur en raison de sa prévalence élevée et du risque accru associé à d'autres complications liées à l'hypertension. Comme il y a peu de signes, cette maladie potentiellement mortelle passe souvent inaperçue.Bien que l'hypertension artérielle ne présente généralement aucun symptôme penda...

    16,13 €

  • Blood Pressure Solution
    Ethan Daniel
    High blood pressure is a significant public health challenge these days due to its high prevalence, and the concomitant increase in the risk of other high blood pressure-related complications. Since there are few signs, this potential fatal often goes unnoticed.While high blood pressure usually doesn't show symptoms for the first 10-20 years, it slowly but surely damages th...

    16,17 €

  • One Simple Text...
    Betty Shaw / Dave Brown
    It was every parent’s worst nightmare.  On a sun-drenched morning in April 2012, a Maryland state trooper knocked on Betty Shaw’s front door and delivered the grim news that her 17-year-old daughter, Liz, had been involved in a horrible car accident and was clinging to life.  Liz recovered from her life-threatening injuries but suffered severe and permanent effects from the accid...

    17,71 €

  • Health Guide For Commercial Drivers
    Rhyno Blak
    This book is like having a personal coach along for a driver's journey--- written by a vegetarian trucker with a bent toward eastern spirituality who's found the secrets to a healthier and happier life on the road. The tone is informal but wise, and the counsel comes from personal experience. The writing is accessible but not condescending. New, as well as experienced c...

    12,93 €

  • Primal Safety Coloring Book
    G. Brent Darnell / GBrent Darnell
    We created this coloring book as a way to initiate conversations with workers and their families about not only safety but also about mental health and wellness. A devastatingly high number of families have been affected by work-related accidents and deaths that have left them broken and grieving. Mental health is coming to the forefront as a health and safety issue. According...

    9,94 €

  • Urban Health Issues
    Richard Crume

    84,73 €

  • Utilice el estrés para ser feliz
    Isabelle Filliozat
    Nuestra vida cotidiana es tan estresante que a veces olvidamos ser felices. Pero, ¿qué es la felicidad? ¿Y si precisamente la felicidad se encontrase en el estrés, es un estrés controlado que, en lugar de debilitarnos, nos ayudase a ser más fuertes y nos liberase de la presión diaria?Con este libro aprenderemos a realizar el diagnóstico de nuestro estrés y superarlo, para despu...

    16,59 €

  • Think like a Cop
    Josh Mercer
    Have you thought about what it would take to protect yourself and your family in today's world?How you view the world is affecting your safety. The unfortunate truth is some people want to do you harm, they are not nice and don't care about you. They would rather hurt you to get a fix than to work an honest day. Good law abiding people need simple tools and strategies t...

    12,05 €

  • El stretching
    Massimo Messina
    En inglés, stretching significa «estiramiento». Fundamentado en la flexibilidad y el perfecto conocimiento de cada músculo, el stretching es una buena fórmula para mantenerse sano. Como base de una buena educación física, sus aplicaciones son innumerables: corrección de malas posturas corporales, lucha contra el estrés, recuperación postoperatoriaEsta completa obra, profusament...

    26,99 €

  • Your Patient Safety Survival Guide
    Gretchen LeFever Watson
    Medical errors happen all the time. Yet, it’s not enough to rely on the health care system itself to remedy the problems. Patients must be aware of the risks and involved in the solutions. Here, the author looks at the most common risks, offers solutions patients can employ, and considers approaches to solving problems where they exist. ...

    26,81 €

  • What Killed Sally
    Slim and Cassy
    The Green Tree Campers of America youth organization leads camping expeditions to educate their young—mostly city-raised members—in outdoor skills, and PSL Ranch in Central Texas is one of their favorite locations. Although this ranchland is beautiful and full of interesting wildlife, it can also be quite dangerous for the unprepared. Due to “a few” lethal incidents involving c...

    12,66 €

  • Workers’ Inferno
    Ramsina Lee
    This book is based on events which took place at an Esso (a subsidiary of Exxon Corporation) operation at Longford, Victoria Australia on 25 September 1998.  Employees were working at the Esso gas production and processing plant, situated at Longford in Sale, when a gas plant ruptured and exploded, killing two of the workers and physically injuring others. The initial explosion...

    25,54 €

  • Workers Inferno
    Ramsina Lee
    Workers' Inferno is based on events which took place at an Esso (a subsidiary of Exxon Corporation) operation at Longford, Victoria Australia on 25 September 1998.  Employees were working at the Esso gas production and processing plant, situated at Longford in Sale, when a gas plant ruptured and exploded, killing two of the workers and physically injuring others. The initia...

    29,88 €

  • Reducing Race Differences in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising
    Stephany De Scisciolo / Teresa L Scheid / Teresa L. Scheid / Teresa LScheid
    This book examines whether direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising changed in response to recommendations made by the FDA in 2009 to enhance the informational and motivational value of advertising to be more accessible to minority populations and consequently work to reduce health disparities. ...

    129,44 €

  • Los consejos del psicólogo para superar el estrés
    Roberto Rossi
    El estrés representa una amenaza para la salud y el bienestar que provoca una gran cantidad de efectos nocivos: ansiedad, irritabilidad, disminución del deseo sexual, dolor de cabeza, cansancio difuso, etc. Con frecuencia, el estrés al que nos somete la vida diaria es mínimo e irrelevante, pero esto no significa que deba ser infravalorado. Las pequeñas tensiones que experimenta...

    13,47 €

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