Equipos y técnicas fotográficas

Artes / Fotografía y fotógrafos / Equipos y técnicas fotográficas (164)

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  • True Confessions of Nude Photography
    A K Nicholas
    A Step-by-Step Guide to Recruiting Beautiful Models, Lighting, Photographing Nudes, Post-Processing Images, and Maybe Even Getting Paid to Do It. (third edition)Prior experience with nude models is not required to benefit from this how-to guide. This guide can be enjoyed by anyone, but is written for two main audiences: the accomplished photographer wanting insight from a peer,...

    23,60 €

  • Introdução A Fotografia
    Celso Antonio De Oliveira
    O Ebook Introdução à Fotografia é um guia incrível para desvendar os mistérios da fotografia. Seja você um amador curioso ou um apaixonado em busca de aprimoramento, este livro é a chave para elevar suas habilidades. Desde a composição da imagem até o controle técnico, cada página oferece conhecimentos valiosos. Descubra os segredos das câmeras, lentes e acessórios que transfor...

    8,27 €

  • Fotografia Em Curso
    Adrielly Mendes Abade
    Fotografia em Curso é um livro sobre fotografia (bem diferente) de nível básico, do qual possui o grande objetivo de descomplicar a arte da fotografia com lições básicas e de fácil compreensão para você, querida raposinha, já sair por aí fotografando. ...

    12,43 €

  • iPhone Photography Focusing on Macro
    Greg McMillan
    The iPhone is the most popular camera in the world and that is due to its accessibility and ease of use. But the way the camera in the iPhone works is often misunderstood. Greg McMillan knows how the camera works and teaches you how to get the best out of it to produce amazing macro images. He offers tips on both shooting and editing as well as information on the various access...

    15,43 €

  • Photographer’s Manual
    Photography is an art present in society in an increasingly expressive way.The Photographer s Manual is an indispensable tool for exploring the possibilities of this art.The book provides valuable information about the fundamentals of photography, choosing equipment, advanced composition techniques and image editing.Objective is complete. It is a practical guide and a source of...

    11,39 €

  • Pocket
    Introducing 'Pocket: Guide to Posing,' your portable mentor for capturing stunning photographs and creating visually captivating portrait photography - your essential companion for unlocking the secrets to captivating and dynamic photography. This compact guide is tailored for photographers, videographers, directors, models, and artists alike, providing a wealth of creative ins...

    21,31 €

  • Puntadas con IA
    Paco Rosco
    Mucho más que un manual de uso de las IA más pujantes (Midjourney, Runway, CapCut, DALL-E 3 y ChatGPT). Este libro guía desde cero a los diseñadores, así como a los fotógrafos o a los profesionales del marketing en el uso de herramientas de IA para crear contenidos e imágenes para sus proyectos o redes sociales que trascienden en el tiempo y en el espacio, permitiendo como ejem...

    22,83 €

  • Manual Do Fotógrafo
    A fotografia é arte presente na sociedade de maneira cada vez mais expressiva.O Manual do Fotógrafo é ferramenta indispensável para explorar as possibilidades dessa arte.O livro traz informações valiosas sobre os fundamentos da fotografia, a escolha do equipamento, técnicas avançadas de composição e edição de imagem.Objetivo é completo. É um guia prático e uma fonte de inspiraç...

    10,35 €

  • Capturing the Moment, The Art & Science of Photographing Wild Animals
    Kathleen Reeder
    Photographing wildlife is one of the most rewarding areas of photography. It touches our emotions, is dynamic and fast moving, and when we allow ourselves to enter an animal’s world, the experience changes our lives.Photographer, Author and Workshop Leader Kathleen Reeder has fine-tuned her tips to photographing wildlife in this fully revised reference guide. Featuring over 50 ...

    23,78 €

  • Master Photography
    Tracy L Mccrackin
    Transform your photography skills with the 'Master Photography' ebook. It’s your guide to saying farewell to mediocre shots and embracing stunning images. No longer a pricey and intricate pursuit reserved for professionals, photography is now accessible to everyone thanks to digital cameras.This comprehensive 400+ page ebook uses user-friendly language, abundant photographs, an...

    43,01 €

  • Cocinando con Midjourney (60 prompts)
    Paco Rosco
    ¡Eleva la presentación visual de tu negocio! Sumérgete en un viaje culinario mientras descubres el fascinante mundo de Midjourney, la inteligencia artificial (IA) líder en la generación de imágenes de alta calidad. Esta guía te acompañará en todo el proceso de creación, pues enseña desde cómo introducirte en el programa hasta los consejos y técnicas para obtener los mejores res...

    21,32 €

  • Mastering Landscape Photography
    Yi Mu
    The rapid progress in science, technology, photography devices, the Internet, and social media has greatly contributed to the evolution of modern photographic tools. As a result, it has also empowered numerous individuals to explore their passion for photography. Recognizing this trend, I saw an opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences by writing a comprehensive book i...

    42,32 €

  • The Awesome Companion Book of Photography
    Mike Murphy
    Photography is not just a hobby, it’s a whole new way of looking at and appreciating the world around you. This book will help you develop your 'photographer’s eye' and search out pictures that others would miss. This book is designed for the person who wants to improve their smartphone photography without a major investment in equipment. Here you will explore some basic compos...

    12,95 €

  • The Awesome Companion Book of Photography
    Mike Murphy
    Photography is not just a hobby, it’s a whole new way of looking at and appreciating the world around you. This book will help you develop your 'photographer’s eye' and search out pictures that others would miss. This book is designed for the person who wants to improve their smartphone photography without a major investment in equipment. Here you will explore some basic compos...

    20,26 €

  • Cocinando con Midjourney
    Paco Rosco
    ¡Eleva la presentación visual de tu negocio! Sumérgete en un viaje culinario mientras descubres el fascinante mundo de Midjourney, la inteligencia artificial (IA) líder en la generación de imágenes de alta calidad. Esta guía te acompañará en todo el proceso de creación, pues enseña desde cómo introducirte en el programa hasta los consejos y técnicas para obtener los mejores res...

    45,71 €

  • In Search of Piétons
    Bill Bolton
    Unique adventures and descriptive details document the discovery process as well as the culmination in finding the elusive ’Man in the Hat’. French proper names were assigned to each of the 25 images as a way of personalizing each piéton. In tribute to one of my all-time favorite writers, Victor Hugo, I bequeathed the ’Man in the Hat’ with the Victor moniker. The take-away mess...

    32,78 €

  • In Search of Piétons
    Bill Bolton
    Unique adventures and descriptive details document the discovery process as well as the culmination in finding the elusive ’Man in the Hat’. French proper names were assigned to each of the 25 images as a way of personalizing each piéton. In tribute to one of my all-time favorite writers, Victor Hugo, I bequeathed the ’Man in the Hat’ with the Victor moniker. The take-away mess...

    13,63 €

  • Meowtography
    Abhi Indrarajan
    Mounjaro’s Mindful Photography for Kids is a simple and easy-to-understand children’s book that teaches the basics of photography and mindfulness. Through the eyes of Mounjaro, a lovable cat who loves to explore the world around him, children will learn about the art of photography and how to approach it with mindfulness.The book starts by introducing children to Mounjaro and h...

    19,66 €

    Gary L. Friedman / Francesc Garcia
    ¿Está emocionado con su nueva y reluciente A7R V, pero la cantidad de funciones y opciones que ofrece le resulta abrumadora? No es el único: ¡gran parte de las funciones más útiles de la cámara ni siquiera se encuentran en los menús!En este libro de... ¡800 páginas! Gary Friedman explica todas las funciones de la cámara y muestra el mejor modo de usarlas en distintas situacione...

    63,03 €

  • Voando No Algodão
    Francisco De Moura Pereira
    Fazendo pulverizações aéreas em uma safra de algodão, pilotos a auxiliares, fizeram com que a alegria, o bom humor e acamaradagem, no local de trabalho e no alojamento, contribuissem para que o estresse da intensa atividade, ficasse mais leve. ...

    12,43 €

  • Fotografia cu Bile de Sticlă
    Lucian Stan
    Fotografii cu bile de sticlă pentru începători, profesioniști și fotografi amatori curioși. Domeniile de fotografiere nu ar putea fi mai largi. Nu există limite pentru imaginație și gândire, la fel cum nu există limite pentru creativitate. Așadar, este firesc ca în fiecare an să apară noi tendințe în materie de fotografie pe rețelele de socializare. În 2019, acesta a fost și ca...

    10,69 €

  • Glasskulefotografering (Fotografering med Glasskule)
    Fynn Hansen
    Bilder med glasskuler for nybegynnere, profesjonelle og nysgjerrige amatørfotografer. Fotograferingsfeltene kunne ikke vært bredere. Det er ingen grenser for fantasi og tanke, akkurat som det ikke er noen grenser for kreativitet. Så det er bare naturlig at nye fototrender finner veien til sosiale medier hvert år. I 2019 var dette også tilfellet med glasskulefotografering. Pluts...

    10,72 €

  • Photography the skill that is easy to learn
    margaret engman
    "Photography, the skill that is easy to learn" is a comprehensive guide to the art and science of photography. The book delves into the rich history of photography, tracing its evolution from the earliest days of the camera obscura to the modern digital age. Along the way, readers will learn about the key figures and milestones that have shaped the medium.The book also covers t...

    26,34 €

  • Lasigeeli Valokuvaus
    Emilia Mäkelä
    Valokuvia lasipalloilla aloittelijoille, ammattilaisille ja uteliaille harrastajille. Valokuvauksen kentät eivät voisi olla laajemmat. Mielikuvitukselle ja ajatuksille ei ole rajoja, aivan kuten luovuudellekaan ei ole rajoja. On siis luonnollista, että uudet valokuvaustrendit löytävät tiensä sosiaaliseen mediaan joka vuosi. Vuonna 2019 näin oli myös lasikuulavalokuvauksen kohda...

    10,78 €

  • Stronger Photo Composition - Four-Step System
    Mike James
    Transform your photography with this comprehensive guide to over 100 photography composition techniques and tools.Whether you’re a beginner mobile photographer or a professional using a dedicated camera, this jargon-free, basic to advanced guide will show you how to attract, hold and guide the attention of your viewer. With a focus on photographic intention and composition, you...

    24,33 €

  • Fotografia w Szklanej Kuli (Fotografia Kulka Obiektywu)
    Jakub Kowalczyk
    Zdjęcia ze szklanymi kulami dla początkujących, profesjonalistów i ciekawskich amatorów. Pola fotografii nie mogłyby być większe. Nie ma granic dla wyobraźni i myśli, tak jak nie ma granic dla kreatywności. Naturalne jest więc, że co roku nowe trendy w fotografii trafiają do mediów społecznościowych. W 2019 roku dotyczyło to również fotografii w szklanej kuli. Nagle na każdej o...

    10,82 €

  • Fotografering av Glaskulor
    Finn Olsson
    Foton med glaskulor för nybörjare, proffs och nyfikna amatörfotografer. Fotografin kunde inte vara större än så. Det finns inga gränser för fantasi och tankeverksamhet, precis som det inte finns några gränser för kreativitet. Det är därför naturligt att nya fototrender hittar sin väg till sociala medier varje år. År 2019 var detta också fallet med glaskulefotografering. Plötsli...

    10,75 €

  • The Wedding Photography Letters
    Brad Wood
    One of the greatest gifts you can receive as an artist is that of having a mentor - someone who has developed a skill or talent and is willing to pass their knowledge onto you. Within The Wedding Photography Letters, you will find a series of letters that captures a mentoring conversation between Brad and Charlie. Throughout these letters, Brad shares the fundamental skills, to...

    12,20 €

  • 2019 - Le vie delle Foto - Catalogo Fotografico
    Le vie Delle Foto
    Catalogo ufficiale della nona edizione de Le vie delle Foto. Mostra fotografica collettiva che si svolge tutti gli anni nel cuore di Trieste. Anno di mostra 2019 ...

    27,85 €

  • Guide d’utilisation Sony DSC-RX10 IV pour tout photographe
    Alexander S. White / Alexander SWhite / Marie-Hélène Ray
    Voici la traduction française du livre  Photographer’s Guide to the Sony RX10 IV , publié pour la première fois dans sa version originale anglaise en 2017 et mis à jour en 2021 pour inclure la version 2.00 de son micrologiciel.Avec ce livre, l’auteur Alexander S. White fournit aux utilisateurs du RX10 IV un guide complet couvrant tous les aspects du fonctionnement de cet appare...

    63,40 €

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