This is the introduction to the previous book, CRUMBS. It can serve as the introduction to CRUMBS TOO. The only addition I would make is to explain that these are additional poems employing the same style as the original poems. Happily, they are inspired by poets such as Rilke and William Carlos Williams, for example, who believe in the careful observation of the particulars in the life, and Eckhart Tolle whose philosophy of mindfulness also informs the work. This volume includes the paintings by Anne Marchand, the 2023 Nancy Frankel Awardee for Art. Here is a photo of her and Nancy Frankel at a joint exhibition along with Margery Goldberg, Gallery Director of the Zenith Gallery: (You can purchase any of the paintings included here by contacting the Zenith Gallery in Washington: URL :; It is appropriate then, and serendipitous to have these beautiful paintings accompany the 'crumbs' found in this volume. As outlined in the original introduction, they are not meant to 'illustrate' the poems, but enhance the sensation of floating in zero gravity as beautiful visual landmarks for the soul.